Spodsbjerg Lighthouse

'Transition Pathway for Tourism'

Foto: Sarah Green - VisitNordsjælland

Hensigten med rapporten fra ’Transition Pathway for Tourism’ er at beskrive de foranstaltninger, som er nødvendige for at fremskynde den grønne og digitale omstilling samt forbedre turismens modstandsdygtighed i samarbejde med interessenter.  

Beskrivelse fra indsatsens hjemmeside:

"This report proposes the areas where stakeholders, often in collaboration, should take action, in order to accelerate the twin transition and promote more resilience in the tourism ecosystem. The measures are designed to  yield positive effects for the stakeholders and to benefit the overall tourism ecosystem. It sets out several types of measures to be taken by different stakeholder groups, with specific milestones or a continuous improvement cycle. Readers can see the stakeholder consultation report for further information and options in the main areas set out in the transition pathway action topics."

Læs mere om Transition Pathway for Tourism og hent rapporten her.