Grenen, Danmarks nordligste punkt

'Glasgow Declaration'

Foto: Dennis Lundby

Glasgow-erklæringen vil fremskynde klimaindsatsen i turismen ved at forpligte organisationer og virksomheder til at reducere deres emissioner. Målet er, at turistbranchen nedbringer deres emissioner med mindst 50 % i løbet af det næste årti og opnå Net Zero inden 2050.

Beskrivelse fra indsatsens hjemmeside:

"The tourism sector is highly vulnerable to climate change and at the same time contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), one of the causes of global warming. Taking into consideration the recent climate related risks and extreme unprecedented events, accelerating climate action in tourism is of utmost importance for the resilience of the sector. 

The Glasgow Declaration aims to act as a catalyst for increased urgency across travel and tourism about the need to accelerate climate action during COVID-19 recovery and beyond. Each signatory will commit to deliver a concrete climate action plan (or to update an existing plan), within 12 months from signing, aligned with five pathways: measurement, decarbonization, regeneration, collaboration, and financing."

Læs mere om Glasgow Declarationen her.