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'Envisioning Tourism in 2030 and Beyond'

Foto: © Michael Maagaard

The Travel Foundation giver i denne rapport deres bud på, hvordan fremtidens turisme kan se ud, samt hvordan turismen opnår net-zero frem mod 2050. Rapporten er tiltænkt som en hjælp og vejledning til turistbranchen og politikerne. 

Beskrivelse fra indsatsens hjemmeside:

"Envisioning Tourism in 2030 has been developed to help policymakers and the tourism industry understand what a global, thriving, decarbonising tourism industry could look like by the end of this decade, and through to 2050 when tourism, and every other human activity, must achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions. (...)

The objective of this report is not to prescribe in any detail the measures required to decarbonise the travel and tourism system and achieve global climate targets, but to provide a realistic assessment of what needs to
be done and how it will change the shape of tourism. Our focus is primarily on the implications for destinations and the businesses that rely on them."

Find hele rapporten fra The Travel Foundation her.