Luftfoto af tagfarm på Østerbro

'Copenhagen Sustainability Guide'

Foto: © Martin Heiberg

Wonderful Copenhagen har udviklet denne digitale manual, der skal gøre det nemmere at afholde mere bæredygtige møder og kongresser. Manualen indeholder en step-by-step guide, som hjælper brugeren med at træffe flere bæredygtige valg både før, under og efter eventet.

Beskrivelse fra indsatsens hjemmeside:

"Copenhagen Sustainability Guide 2.0 is developed as a pre-planning tool, highlighting your ambitions and how these may contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. With explicit insights into C02 indicators, the guide provides inspiration for sustainable choices, actions, and the effects hereof. As a planning tool, it is your own responsibility to execute these sustainable actions. Ensuring that your meeting, congress or event, in actuality, minimises its carbon footprint and creates a positive and lasting impact."

Brug manualen på Wonderful Copenhagen's hjemmeside her